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VLC media player, the latest version with major problems

Versions 2.0.5 of the VLC media player contain defects and are rested attacks by hackers to execute code for computer virus.
The defect lies in the element that is responsible for publishing video ASF (Advanced Streaming Format). This has been reported by software development organizations, VideoLAN.
SECUNIA security firm, she identified for the first time this problem, stating that he had in order to successfully execute arbitrary code computer.
VideoLAN advises users not to open attachments from unknown sources, or uncertain, as well as disable VLC plugins on their sites, until the problem is remedied.
VLC installs the plugin for Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera . In the new version of the player media files, it numbered 2.0.6, will include the appropriate patch.
Actually, this version is still in testing. Users of Firefox, Chrome and Opera can use functionality 'click-to-play' respective sites to prevent automatic playback contents based on plugins - a method that can block Web-based viruses.
VLC media file player is available free for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other operating systems like UNIX, including Solaris, FreBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,  Android and iOS.

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